Eyelash Problems2022-07-20T11:46:56+00:00

Eyelid and eyelash problems can be both painful and irritating

We can treat these symptoms to avoid damage to your sight

Eyelid and eyelash problems can be both painful and irritating

We can treat these symptoms to avoid damage to your sight

Many people encounter eyelid or eyelash problems as they age

Discover more about these problems and our next steps

Eyelid and eyelash problems can be painful and irritating. They can even damage your sight if left untreated.

The eyelids and eyelashes function as protective barriers for our eyes. They keep foreign bodies out and ensure your eyes don’t dry out. When eyelid and eyelash problems occur, they are best dealt with swiftly to avoid any potential long-term damage.

Many people encounter eyelid or eyelash problems as they age, but thankfully most symptoms are easily treated.

If you are experiencing problems with your eyelashes or eyelids, you should seek the opinion of an experienced oculoplastic surgeon.

Ectropion: outward-turned eyelids

As we age, the eyelids can occasionally become unstable. In some people, the eyelids (usually lower eyelids) can turn outwards, giving a red-rimmed appearance to the eyes.


Aside from a change in appearance, ectropion may also cause some discomfort, including dry eyes and irritation. It is also associated with watery eyes.


Ectropion usually occurs when the muscles that hold the eyelids firmly against the eyes weaken with age. However, it can also develop as a result of scarring around the eyelid or nerve damage.

Entropion: inward-turned eyelids

As with ectropion, entropion can occur with age and usually affects the lower eyelids. With entropion, however, the eyelids turn inwards.


Entropion is usually accompanied by severe discomfort, as the eyelashes rub on the eyes. Not only is this painful and irritating, but it can also potentially cause damage to your corneas and should therefore be dealt with promptly.


Entropion is usually caused by the age-related weakening of the muscles around the eyes. Still, it may also be caused by scarring or nerve damage.

Trichiasis: ingrown eyelashes

With trichiasis, the eyelashes grow inwards so that they constantly rub on the surface of the eyes, causing great discomfort.


The most common symptom of ingrown eyelashes is a feeling of there constantly being something in the eye. Redness, itchiness, irritation and a sandy or gritty feeling in the eye are all common symptoms too.

Sometimes the ingrown eyelashes are normal in size and colour. Still, they may also be very fine and colourless and only visible with a magnifying glass.


Trichiasis is often the result of an eye infection or inflammation of the eyelid. However, it can also result from injury or scarring to the eyelid or occur with age.

Treatment for eyelid and eyelash problems is generally relatively straightforward and effective. We can treat both entropion and ectropion with relatively fast and simple eyelid surgery.

We can remove ingrown eyelashes and perform a short surgical procedure if they continue to grow back.

Can I get permanent damage to the eyes?

If the eyelashes are constantly rubbing on the cornea, it can cause scarring on the cornea.

Can I pull the ingrown lashes out myself?

You can remove the eyelashes, but they will normally continue to grow back.

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The first step is to call us so we can answer any questions we can on the phone. Give our friendly team a call on 0800 99 2020 or request a call back from us.

2. We’ll meet

At your consultation, we’ll diagnose your issues, answer your questions and give you a clear recommendation based on your needs. You’ll confidently leave with a clear understanding of your treatment options.

3. Enjoy clarity

After treatment, people often tell us how pleased they were that they took action when they did. They’re often so glad that they reached out so that we could address their concerns and help them resolve their troublesome eye condition.

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Additional resources on treating eyelash problems

Learn more about treating eyelash problems from authoritative sources.

Eyelashes are important anatomical structures that protect the eye by stopping the particulate matter from getting to the eye and also by diverting water and wind. Lashes also have a strong sensory innervation making them capable of detecting noxious agents with appropriate protective responses by the eyelids and the periorbital muscles. A large number of congenital and acquired diseases and conditions can affect eyelashes. It is important to identify the cause where possible and recognize how the lashes behave differently from the normal before corrective measures are undertaken. Click here to read more.

Blepharitis causes red, swollen and itchy eyelids. It can normally be treated by washing your eyelids every day. The condition is not usually serious, but can lead to other problems, such as dry eyes, cysts and conjunctivitis, especially if it’s not treated. Click here to read more.

Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids. It’s a common cause of sore, red eyelids and crusty eyelashes.

Eyelid inflammation is very common and can affect people of all ages.

Thankfully, your optician can prescribe effective blepharitis treatment that can limit the eyelid inflammation before serious damage occurs to your eyes or eyelids.

Click here to read more.

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Get our guide to find out how to free yourself from the hassle of reading glasses

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