Blurred Vision2022-07-20T11:51:49+00:00

Blurred vision refers to a lack of sharpness of vision

We can treat many different eye problems and conditions that cause blurred vision

Blurred vision refers to a lack of sharpness of vision

We can treat many different eye problems and conditions that cause blurred vision

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Many different conditions could cause blurred vision, so if you have blurry eyesight, it’s best to get it checked out by an expert.

Blurred vision can take many different forms. At its least extreme, blurry vision can include mild blurring of objects at a distance or close up. On the other hand, blurry eyesight can be so severe that it affects your ability to get about and look after yourself.

There are many different eye problems and conditions that can cause blurred vision. These include:

Refractive errors

To understand how refractive errors cause blurred vision, it first helps to understand how the eye works. Refractive errors that cause blurred vision include:

  • Long-sightedness: causes blurred vision when viewing objects close up, such as when reading a book or using a computer.
  • Short-sightedness: causes blurred vision when viewing objects at a distance, such as when watching television or driving.
  • Astigmatism: causes blurred vision when viewing objects at any distance, from reading and computer use to driving and watching television.

Other eye conditions that can result in blurred vision:

  • Cataracts: Cataracts are a clouding of the lens in your eye. At first, any blurred eyesight may be almost unnoticeable. However, cataracts can eventually result in severe blurred vision that has a major impact on your independence. If you have had a cataract removed and your blurry vision re-occurs, posterior capsule opacity – also known as a ‘secondary cataract’ – may be the cause. This is easy to treat.
  • Diabetic retinopathy: Diabetic retinopathy is a condition associated with diabetes. High blood sugar levels cause damage to the retina (the focusing surface at the back of the eye). The final stage of diabetic retinopathy, known as macular oedema, can cause blurred vision.
  • Epiretinal membrane: An epiretinal membrane is a thin, fibrous layer that forms over the retina (the focusing surface at the back of the eye). It acts like a film that partially blocks the light entering your eye, which results in blurred vision.
  • Keratoconus: Keratoconus is an eye disease that results in a conically shaped cornea (the clear, front window’ of your eye). Because the cornea does much of the eye’s focusing, the irregular shape can cause blurred vision.
  • Macular degeneration and macular holes: The macula is the central part of the retina at the back of your eye. It allows you to see detail, colour, and things directly in front of you. Macular degeneration and macular holes damage the macula, causing central vision to become blurred.
  • Retinal detachment: A detached retina is a serious medical emergency that can cause sudden blurred vision. It may also cause several other symptoms, such as flashes and floaters and sudden blindness.
  • Retinal vein occlusion: If the blood vessels that feed the retina (the focusing surface at the back of the eye) become blocked, it is known as retinal vein occlusion. This can cause sudden blurred vision and also sudden blindness.
  • Pterygium: A pterygium is a benign growth that occurs on the surface of the eye. Sometimes, a pterygium can grow onto the cornea. If this occurs, it can alter the shape of the cornea, causing blurred vision.
  • Vitreous haemorrhage: If blood leaks into the vitreous ‘gel’ that fills your eye, it can block the light that enters your eye, causing blurred vision. Vitreous haemorrhage can be caused by trauma or injury, or it may result from an eye condition, such as diabetic retinopathy.

Eye infection, inflammation or injury: Many people suffer blurry vision due to an eye infection or injury. Eyelid and eyelash problems can sometimes cause blurred vision, as can the common eye infection conjunctivitis.

We can diagnose the cause of blurred vision by testing your glasses prescription with a dilated fundus examination or an OCT scan.

Refractive errors

Treatment will depend on what’s causing the blurring. We can often treat refractive errors – such as long-sightedness, short-sightedness and astigmatism – with laser vision correction, implantable contact lenses or refractive lens exchange.


We can treat cataracts easily and safely with surgery.

Do I have to get glasses for blurred vision?

It depends on the cause of your blurred vision. In some cases, refractive surgery or cataract surgery can fix blurred vision.

Are there alternatives to glasses?

In many cases, laser refractive surgery, refractive lens exchange or cataract surgery can clear up your vision.

Does blurred vision mean I have a serious eye disease?

In some cases, blurred vision is just related to refractive error, which we can manage easily. This is more common if it is longstanding blurred vision. In other cases, more significant conditions may be the cause of blurred vision. It is important to get checked by your eye specialist if you have a sudden change in your vision.

Gain relief from a worrying eye condition

We understand that any issue with your eyes can be a weight on your shoulders. Give us a call to book your appointment today, and we’ll help you get to the bottom of your issue and put your mind at ease.

Gain relief from a worrying eye condition

We understand that any issue with your eyes can be a weight on your shoulders. Give us a call to book your appointment today, and we’ll help you get to the bottom of your issue and put your mind at ease.

Does poor vision or the limitations of glasses or contact lenses hold you back?

Choose the option below that sounds most like you to discover your best solution

Do your glasses and contacts get in your way or make you feel uncomfortable?

Do you feel a bit meh when wearing glasses or when your eyes feel dry from your contact lenses? Perhaps poor vision and the inconvenience of glasses and contacts stops you from participating in certain activities you enjoy or even simply enjoying the beautiful natural landscapes around you. Laser eye surgery could be the answer.


Are you struggling with the hassle of reading glasses?

Whether you’re new to reading glasses or have worn them your whole life, it doesn’t take long to notice how annoying they can sometimes be. Before you know it, there’s a pair of readers everywhere you look; around your neck, in your pockets, and in every room of the house. But when you need them, they’re nowhere to be found. Restore your vision (and avoid future cataract surgery too).


Is your vision becoming cloudy, blurry and dull or have you been diagnosed with cataracts?

When your glasses are no longer effective, your quality of life is impacted. At first, you might be able to muddle by. But as your vision deteriorates, your ability to function as you normally would is needlessly compromised. With modern cataract surgery, you have the choice to quickly and easily improve your vision (and even reduce your dependence on glasses).


Take this quick quiz to discover if you can be free from glasses and contacts

Not everyone can benefit from laser eye surgery. You have many different options depending on your eyes, age and lifestyle. Take this quick 2-min quiz to find out which type of laser eye surgery or other vision correction treatment might be right for you.

3 easy steps to free yourself from glasses and contacts

Laser vision correction options can be confusing. We’ve made the journey as straightforward as can be

Get in touch

Not everyone is suitable for laser eye surgery. The first step is to get a clear answer on whether laser eye surgery can help you or not. Give our friendly team a call on 0800 99 2020 or use our easy online calendar to book a free laser assessment.

We’ll meet

At your assessment, we’ll answer your questions and give you a clear and honest recommendation based on your lifestyle. You’ll leave with a  confident understanding of the best eye treatment option for your unique eyes.

Enjoy freedom

After treatment, New Zealanders across the country tell us how surprised they are by how quickly their life changed. They also mention that they wish they had done it years earlier! When people say yes to eye treatment, they say yes to a new life, free from the limitation of glasses and contacts!

Watch the best patient education videos on eye treatment in New Zealand

Get a quick overview of everything you need to know about gaining visual freedom

Additional resources on treating refractive errors

Follow the links below to learn more about treating short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism from authoritative sources.

Blurry vision is very common. A problem with any of the components of your eye, such as the cornea, retina, or optic nerve, can cause sudden blurred vision.

Slowly progressive blurred vision is usually caused by long-term medical conditions. Sudden blurring is most often caused by a single event.

There are 17 causes of sudden blurred vision.

Click here to find out what they are.

Blurred vision can affect your entire line of sight or just parts of your vision. This could include your peripheral vision, or how you see to the right or left of your field of vision. You can also experience blurred vision in only one eye.

Other ways to describe blurred vision include clouded or dim vision.

Click here to read more.

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