Eye Institute is thrilled to announce our first ever live Optometry Seminar in Hawke’s Bay.
Come along for a fun educational evening, network with your peers and gain 2 hours of CPD points.
We are excited to introduce our two new ophthalmology surgeons to you on this evening, Dr Baswati Sahoo and Dr Shira Ophir.
The evening includes canapes, dinner and drinks.
Our surgeons presenting to you on this evening:
- Dr Liz Insull – Cataract and Oculoplastic Surgeon, Eyelid, Lacrimal and Orbital Specialist
- Dr Shira Ophir – Cataract & General Surgeon
- Dr John Beaumont – Strabismus and Pterygium Surgeon
- Dr Baswati Sahoo – Glaucoma and Cataract Surgeon
Registration, nibbles and drinks served from 5:30pm
Presentations from 6.00pm, then dinner at 7.45pm
Dinner will be at Malo Restaurant